Friday, January 27, 2006

To recap

This has been my week, then:

Hear about the death of a friend's mother.
Hear about the death of a friend's father.
Contract cold.
Work a lot.
Whale dies.
Mother in law's dog dies.
Sneeze a lot.
Work some more.
Get sniffy email from Parcelforce, in lieu of refund.
Develop hacking cough.

Bloody Pom starts fire on MY MOUNTAIN.

I thought I told you all not to mess with The Mountain. That's just one block away from mom in law's house, dudes. Not cool.


Update: this just in — now another friend's sister has died. Completely suddenly, I don't yet know how. What is UP with this week?


greg said...

All terribly apropos for a week beginning with the miserablest day of the year.

Sorry to hear all that. At least it couldn't possibly... *thud*thwack*thump* Okay, okay, I won't say it!

tristan said...

ouch & empathy

Bill C said...

Strange week indeed. Hope your sneezes and hackings stay behind when you enter the next. Week.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's my bloody mountain too.
The scenes of fire streaming down the slopes filled our paper today. I drove into the city bowl to be enveloped by a pall of smoke like fog, stretching as far as Table Bay harbour. The dud faces a culpable homicide charge BTW

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Thanks guys. Culpable homicide huh? It won't stick, but I like it.

So are the firefighters getting a raise then?

ThePurpleOwl said...

What a crappy candle.

Hope it gets better, Scroob. Will send you some of our unwarranted and unwanted extra (temperature) degrees to warm the cockles. Think I'll send them Parcelforce - they sound like a reliable organisation. :-P

We've got an arsonist locally too, with no idea yet who they are; the last one turned out to be a member of the local volunteer fire brigade, a guy I went to school with. Classy.