Sunday, January 08, 2006


Things that were weird about growing up in apartheid South Africa: #1 of a potentially infinite series.

Being inundated with American culture (TV, movies, pop) and absorbing American idioms, thus leading to casual use of the expression "hey, it's a free country" — usually followed by "er, not really, but go ahead anyway".


J Incarnate said...

Youu grew up under apartheid? Wow, that must have been a strange experience.

J Incarnate said...

sorry about the spelling error...

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Yup. Weird is indeed the word. As a small kid, for instance, I absorbed knowledge of sanctions as a general "nothing cool happens in this country" belief - which extended to all those times I saw "solar/lunar eclipse (not visible from SA)" in my school diary. Took me *years* to figure out that lots of the rest of the world was sharing in the eclipse deprivation.

glo said...

Huh. Whomever invented that phrase had no idea what they were starting. It's like revolution - in reverse.