Friday, January 20, 2006

Missing all the excitement

When I first moved to London, we were lucky enough to find a very glamorous riverside flat to rent. The view from our lounge, kitchen and balcony took in spectacular sunsets, a local sailing club, flocks of seagulls, and of course all the Thames traffic — from commuter ferries to enormous ocean liners, which got turned around by dapper little tugs right in front of our building.

But we never saw a whale.

I feel quite cheated.

Update: As Prowl points out, the whale has now left this vale of tears. A moment of silence, please.


the Beep said...

as an ex-londoner, that's one of the most exciting things I've ever seen!

omar said...

Can a whale become beached in a river? Are there river beaches in London?

ScroobiousScrivener said...

The Thames is tidal, so yes, we have beaches. Admittedly not the kind to attract sunbathers (not usually, although...), and you're more likely to pick up beer cans and old shoes than pretty seashells, but they do exist.

Whales, on the other hand, not usually. He's still there I believe. Any sane person would have gone to check it out this afternoon, but me, too busy working. Dammit.

tristan said...

someone should phone the japanese embassy for paractical advice

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Oh, you whale hater, you. Thass mean.

ThePurpleOwl said...

Errr, guys? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the whale was on the news tonight... and it wasn't a happy ending.

RIP whale. I propose an international day of mourning. I, for one, will be doing everything in my power to avoid going in to work tomorrow morning. Who's with me?!