Saturday, January 07, 2006

I got nothing.

Today we are:

Sad that it's raining and Beloved is sick and everything's just a bit blah.

Glad to have figured out this little Life Gem: you can get out of doing stuff by paying other people to do it for you! I now have two skirts that fit and I didn't have to even look at a sewing machine. Isn't that amazing?

Mad at Parcelforce for STILL not getting back to me with a refund and a grovelling apology for taking my money TWICE for the same customs charge.

But none of that is remotely interesting, is it? So I'm going to point you to some other fun blogs I've found lately when I should have been doing more important things. Or at least posting. But I didn't. Never mind, there is bloggertainment to be had here and here and (ooh, yes) here. Or you could just check out the internet's best blonde joke ever.

And if you still want more, and if you've forgiven me for that damn blonde joke, well, I do have some wisdom to impart. Potentially life-changing wisdom. I mean that. But I'm not sure the internet is ready for it. So I'm taking a vote. Do you, or do you not, want to know the ultimate solution for stinky feet? Please choose from the following options and place your vote in the comment box:

A) Ew! Stinky feet? I'm too ladylike for this. I'm going to go and wash my bedlinen in lavender water and hope to recover from the horror. Good luck seeing me here again, stinky.

B) *gasp!* There's an answer? I've waited my whole life for this! Tell me more!

C) Like, whatever. I have better things to do with my time. Call me when it's over.


X said...

You're a fan of Harry Hutton too? Check out his friend Arlington Hynes too. You won't be disappointed.


ScroobiousScrivener said...

Well, having just discovered the blog, it's too soon to say I'm a fan. Thanks for the tip, though.

Sarah Cate said...

In the interest of continuing the spirit of free exchange of information over the world wide web, I vote for option B.

ThePurpleOwl said...

I vote B. *I* don't have smelly feet, of course (just absent-minded ones), but there ain't no ladies in my family.

The Aussie Army says that the answer is to keep your feet clean and dry and change your socks regularly. Exciting stuff.