Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Commence obfuscation!

This is clearly the week — sorry, hebdomad — for calling a space an earth-inverting horticultural implement. Yesterday, there was posh lyrics (and don't think I'm not going to work up some of my own this weekend).

Now, a friend has just emailed me the gobbledygook generator.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to get some gobbledygook, and use it in a work email by the end of the week. Report back here, soldiers.

My phrase? "At base level, this just comes down to facilitating monitored paradigm shifts." Going to be hard to get that into my normal subbing routine, but we'll try...


ThePurpleOwl said...

I don't need a generator, Scroob - I've got the Army; according to them, as I have said, "Confidentiality has always been a bugbear, and somewhat of a moveable feast...". I'd link to my post, but that would take effort.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Funnily enough, Prowl, that generator immediately put me in mind of you and your torment.

Bill C said...

"Only geeks stuck in the 90s still go for systemised asset flexibility."

Generated insults? Cool!

patroclus said...

Sadly hardly a day goes by that I don't write that very phrase in the course of my employment.

Obfuscation is one of my favourite words, though. But then I am a bit of a twat.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

*gasp* "Twat" plus "obfuscation" causally linked? Take it back.

patroclus said...

Oh I love mixing registers, me. Sometimes it's all that gets me through the day.