Monday, February 06, 2006

Hey Big Spender

[This one too.]

Everymoment started a meme* that could have us looking deep into our consumerist souls, and weeping tears of shame and naked greed. Or maybe that's just how I feel the day after I inexplicably failed to win the £125m Euro Millions draw.

Aaaaanyway. Here I go.

Three things I am willing to spend too much on:

1) Yarn. I note that EM puts this way down on her "would if she could". Maybe this aberration can be ascribed to her being a relative latecomer to the craft. Really, a True Knitter cannot possibly resist the lure of colours and softness and deliciousness...**

2) Books. I don't buy all that many, but apparently I'm not doing nearly enough reading, because the to-be-read shelf is only getting fuller. In fact it's overflowing. So I obviously spend more than I should, and plus, being a book snob I only buy pretty hardcover items, which definitely pushes the spend up.

3) Chocolate. Although it's an interesting thing: I hardly ever buy chocolate these days. Not, believe me, out of self-restraint. Rather, because I have been completely and utterly ruined for supermarket chocolate by subscribing for a time to this purveyor of temptation. Now, I occasionally grab a slab of Green & Black's, but as the lovely satiny pralines and truffles I really crave are a bit harder to come by, I'm relatively chocolate free. Still: when I do spend, I spend Too Much. 'Swonderful.

Three things I would spend unlimited amounts on if I had unlimited amounts to spend:

1) Space. How boring and practical, but it's true: after nearly four years on this cramped and crowded little island, simply having large rooms to live in feels like the ultimate indulgence.

2) Boots. Again, to repeat EM, I'd enjoy wardrobe expansion on every front, but it's fun to be specific. And boots are my thing. I don't think I'd want a ridiculously large amount of clothes, shoes and boots (though the definition of "ridiculous" is of course open to interpretation), but I'd definitely enjoy spending obscene amounts on really good ones. In lots of lovely colours. To hell with brown and black.

3) Travel. Just give me half a chance. It'll be five-star hotels all the way... and train or boat to get there.

* Bloggy use of this term has long bothered me. A meme is an idea, not a quiz-style list. But then I realised: it is a totally different word, and should be pronounced to reflect that. Bloggy memes are "me-mes". Because it's all about me. Right? Right.
** Or for that matter the lusciousness of wooden needles and silk needle cases and so on...


greg said...

Zara, Dave and I had a fun morning spent discussing these, with some alarming admissions:

In terms of being caught overspending, Zara would go for clothes, boots and sex toys, where Dave opted for music, instruments and books and I confessed to Zara, tech and books as my major temptations.

This is where it gets disturbing. Unlimited funds? Oh boy! Forget the prosaic stuff like holidays and houses and such, I'd start by going nuts on my own armed forces (1) which I could make arbitrarily large with unlimited funds and use to subjugate the planet and impose my own order on it. Then I would pour some of my infinite resources into research (2) into essentials like eternal life, teleportation and time travel. I'd finally raise everyone's standard of living (3) so high that there'd be no need for crime of any kind.

Of course, no economic model would support the concept of unlimited funds (not the way I'd use them, at least) so, effectively, you're giving me three wishes, and then I'd only need one: make me GOD as I perceive godhood.

What do you mean, "Megalomaniac!"?

ScroobiousScrivener said...

I see I just don't dream big enough. Your own private army and universal wealth? Wow...