Thursday, February 23, 2006


Paper jams.
Shipment delays.
Bloody rude bus passengers.
Toothpaste marks on my top.
Sudden enormous holes in my tights.



ThePurpleOwl said...

...Stupid men who drive their utes at 30 km below the speed limit, and then persist in tailgating you for 3 km because they get pissed off when you pass them...

But it's Friday, Scroob, FRIDAY! (At least it is here. Phew.)

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Well, Thursday is my Friday, so yes, that thought was keeping me sane.

I would like, in passing, to draw all the non-existent visitors' attention to the elegant minimalism of the above post. Do you have ANY IDEA how hard it was to sit on my footnote fingers?

It was Hard.

(See there? More restraint. Wow.)

Sarah Cate said...

Elegant minimalism, indeed. :-)

But now you're on to your weekend and I sit here at my desk, a whole work day in front of me, quite envious.

WV - nboahuku: ancient tribal curse reserved for rude bus passengers.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Must remember that curse.

Bill C said...

I'm stuck on the phrase, "Sudden enormous holes in my tights." It's just - I don't know. Catchy. Lyrical. It's triggering something in my mind, but I don't know what. I can't remember wearing tights of any kind since high school.

Then again, maybe it's because it's just. Plain. Flat-out. Funny.

Does one's future resonate?

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Jam: glad *someone* was amused by my suffering. Grumble, grumble.

Dem: I love you. Way to distract me with entrepreneurial excitement. Go you!

glo said...

Not sure where you were going, but I hope the police caught the guy....?

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Er... the guy who got toothpaste on my top, Glo? Confused. Not sure any of those complaints lent themselves to blame on anybody but me/Fate. Except the rude bus people, obviously.