Tuesday, December 14, 2004

How many Christmas cards have you received? I have one. No, actually I have none. But when I complained about this, one of my friendly workmates took one of hers, scribbled my name in it, and passed it on. How sweet. I think.

Yes, I know, after all that griping about sending them, I can't complain. Much. I only send Christmas cards to people I don't want to talk to, actually; people I do want to talk to, I talk to, and a card seems superfluous. People I don't want to talk to, I send cards to shut them up. (This is not a considered strategy; this is just what I have just realised. If anybody reading this ends up somehow getting a card, I didn't mean it, obviously. Why are you reading my blog? Go away.)

Oh, I'm full of seasonal love, here. Right, but see, I send cards, and of the recipients, I think maybe 5% ever bother to send me one. I'm guessing they don't care. I'm guessing they've forgotten I exist. I think maybe next year, I just won't. Nobody will even notice.

Bah humbug.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I notice! I care! I haven't forgotten you! Honest!

I'm... just... crappy with sending cards... and emails... and stuff...

(Shivering lower lip)