Thursday, December 09, 2004

I am a knitting failure

Strike two. Last night I finished the first side of my gorgeous, funky, stripy rib jersey. (Note on my proceeding Anglicisation: 'jersey' is sounding weird to me, but I can't quite bring myself to use 'jumper' instead. Woolly jumpers are what you get when you cross a sheep with a kangaroo. Not something you actually wear. Then again, jerseys are cows. Quandary.)

Anyway, so I finished the piece, laid it out, and thought: hm. Hm, I thought. Also more words of a more generally obscene and expressive nature. Bother, and that. The dang thing's lopsided. I did the whole thing without once noticing that the centre decrease was not, in fact, in the centre. Start again, again.

This is very distressing. I thought I was a good knitter. Once.


Anonymous said...

Still a brilliant knitter, and i have Arran jezz as proof. Blame it on the cold flat - if you didn't have to huddle to keep warm, you would be knitting in relaxed environment and thus the central decrease flummoxitude would not have happened.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

I've been receiving some pointed comments from ppl here who suggest that I'm Just Not Trying. Not concentrating, that is. I suspect they're right. Blame it on a stressful year and all that. Knitting is supposed to be comforting, yes, but I suppose if I'm attempting to take it seriously, I must make more of an effort on the teknikl side of things. Sigh. *Must* I?

Anyway I'm halfway through the front, again, and it's looking pretty groovy. Love the colours. Will attempt to post pic later.