Friday, December 24, 2004

Very. very. merry.

A corner of the desk cleared to make way for flowers, candles, nuts and - ahem - chocolates. Quite a lot of chocolates.

A very small kitchen in a very big mess.

Me having cooked a proper Christmas dinner for my dad, the Maestro Chef. And not being mortified at the results.

Our little London family of three well pleased with our respective gifts - small as they are - and extremely excited about a very promising 2005.

Really, quite a LOT of chocolates.

Gin. And wine. And port.

Shrek on the telly. Hey, you have Christmas your way - big dinner on the table; I'll have it mine, on the bed, in front of the telly. Only cos it was Shrek.

I'm going for another chocolate now.

And by the way, thanks for the kitty! I'm wearing her right now.

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