Thursday, December 02, 2004

Tempting fate

Hands up all those who sniggered smugly at my 'failproof knitting project' hubris. Take a bow. Go on, enjoy yourselves.

It's beautiful, of course - all 15cm of it so far - and I love knitting it, and all that. But it's clear there simply won't be enough of it. This yarn just won't go as far as I'd expected. So I could finish what I have, get a pretty antique-y brooch such as to be found in every Dotty P or other high-street shop this season, and wear it as a little cape thingy. But that's really not what I want. At all. Can I get more yarn? No, bought it ages ago, colour won't match.


Another project, then. Put the stole on hold until after Christmas, when with any luck I'll get something delicious from the John Lewis sale - buy lots of it - and stole away until it's good and long.

Meanwhile, I'll be adapting the Purple Monster pattern (which, I'll have you know, I have typed up properly - a first for me - in three theoretical sizes) to make something funky and stripy. It's a good pattern, I think. Now that I've spent a year whuppin it into shape. Will make it earn its keep.

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