Wednesday, December 29, 2004


Christmas happened. It involved a lot of sugar. Through dedicated effort, we've managed to winnow the supplies down to half a box of Leonidas chocs (ooh... so damn good. Blessings on kindly finance eds), a handful of mini mince pies, and one preservative-stuffed chocolate yule log that Beloved Consort plans to offload on colleagues at Sky News. Hopefully they'll be so glad to get some distraction from the rising death toll in Asia*, they won't even notice they're eating cocoa-flavoured plastic.

Beloved Consort is now sleeping off the effects of four manic 12-hour shifts (actually, that's three 12-hour shifts and one 14-hour shift) in a row. (Yes, he ended up working right through the Christmas weekend, which would be bad, except for the obscene amounts he was paid for the pleasure... okay, I'm shallow.) I'm off to gym, which has finally reopened, yay! Esteemed Father is meeting his new boss to find out what he should teach the little blighters next week, and then flathunting. Life is almost back to normal. Except I don't have to work for another week. Yay!

Oh, and in particularly good news, for the first time ever I made a proper effort to get to the sales quickly. Well, just one sale really, the only one that counts: John Lewis. Habby. And I am pleased to say, it was well worth it; I am the proud owner of a large, large bag of assorted Rowan cottons in pretty, pretty colours. I got in there early (within about 90 minutes of the sale starting), I pounced, I escaped. Fascinating experience, though: the tube emptied out entirely at Oxford Circus. Getting back into the tube was much easier. I can only imagine what the street would have been like a few hours later. *shudder*

*We have friends there. They were on the beach. Apparently it was a non-event where they are. Yet I can't stop myself continuing to worry a little... haven't heard from them since Boxing Day, are they still okay? What are they doing? Where are they going? They were supposed to be touring SE Asia indefinitely. I'm guessing South America is starting to look a little more appealing at this stage.

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