Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I want special friend-shrinking potion and a backpack

Pippalicious told me last night, over raw fish, that if she were to move back to SA, she'd have only one friend there. Only one. Everyone else has dispersed over the globe. Me, my closest friends are still back home, but in different cities; and frankly I'm not that confident that they will all stay put, anyway. I have a number of good friends here in London. But I don't plan to stay here forever. I hate this. I thought the global village was supposed to bring people together, not send them running in all directions. Why can't I take everyone with me, everywhere I go?

(Is there too much grumbling on this blog? Tough. Is my blog, I'll moan if I want to.)


Anonymous said...

grumble all you like.


and i know how it feels - i'm actually heading back to ct at the end of this trip, and have developed irrational fear that no-one will recognise me when i get there... (not due to stunning tan and revitalised figure. due to passage of time and overwriting of memory cells with new friends. ahem.)

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Jo's my FRIEND. Jo lets me grumble. Yay Jo!

I promise, your friends will not have forgotten you. It is entirely possible, though, that just as you arrive, one or two of them will be packing up to disappear. I HATE that.