Thursday, February 24, 2005

Money, fans and champagne

Today is a good day.


I can't tell you anything more yet. But I'm quite happy.

Also, a deep bow and sincere welcome to the various people who are reading and commenting. I love that you're enjoying my wibbling. And even more, I love that you're actually wibbling back. And in many cases providing valuable information.

The only weirdism being (apart from thinking I know people I don't know, and harassing them to reveal themselves... no resemblance to actual persons, ahem, *cough* what was I saying?) that I get a flood of comments in my email with no relation to what they're actually commenting on. It's nice to know that something I wrote or linked to is "gorgeous" (thanks Greg), but what the hell was it? (Don't bother answering. I trawled through my archives till I found it. Talk about ego, gawd, two comments and I'm a rock star in my own mind.)

Anyhoo. Wilkommen, bienvenue, welcome... in Kabaret, en Cabaret, to Cabaret!*

* Oh, please tell me you're earwormed now. Please. That song always does it to me.


greg said...

re Cabaret (since Blogger doesn't have the decency to link back to to the thread header)

'fraid not. Don't know the song well enough. Now, if you'd mentioned the Chicken Song... Aaaarg! Earwigged myself!

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Reduced? Never. Sauces reduce. I was just, erm, trying to protect, uh... what was I saying? ;-)