Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Sorry about that. Got quite snippy there. Which is particularly unfair since I do in fact have a tendency to take issue with various problems, apparent to me, in this lovely country that is letting me live here. So. Sorry.

Other than the last sentence or two, though, I stand by that post entirely. It does worry me a little that I get so defensive. But that probably does not, in itself, entirely negate my entire argument, entirely. Entirely probably.


Anonymous said...

No. The more i think about it, the more i realise it was a poorly researched article. How can you rave about economic inequality without doing any economic or demographic research? (And all this from the safe urbanity of SA's most cosmopolitan, European-filled, touristy city.) And so close to the release of the Budget too, which *everyone* has lauded to a greater or lesser (but mostly greater) degree. The government's really been doing very well lately. Right, i'll shut up now.

Anonymous said...

Unrelated comment; I've finally found your blog! You will henceforth be read. Be warned.

Anonymous said...

2 hours later, and I'm all caught up. Haven't done any significant work yet, but that's okay, the boss is out of the office until next Tuesday and I can sacrifice my lunch break to get back up to speed. It was worth it. You write beautifully, and about such interesting (except the knitting) and diverse (again, except for the prevailing knitting thread) topics. I'm really looking forward to regular attendance.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Welcome Greg, and thank you for your prolific (and so kind!) comments. V glad to have you join us. I'm working on a Cunning Plan to spare you the knitting. Oh, and much thanks for the hints link - I will be adding these imminently.

And Anon, did you notice that you can now leave comments using your name, without creating an account? Of course I always know it's you anyway, thanks to your Distinctive Style (and knowledgeable Budget comments). Just a thought, use it, don't use it...

greg said...

Just trying something - it seems, if you don't have a blogger identity, you don't get notified if someone responds to a comment you've made. I'd like to see if having one means I get an emailed copy of your replies.
I'm guessing not, but let's test it anyway, otherwise the only way I can see your responses is to manually tracks comments on your posts, which is tedious at best and downright annoying at worst.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Well Greg, the thing is, you can't post a comment that is a direct reply to someone else's comment. As far as I can tell. So no, you won't be informed. Sorry. On behalf of Blogger.

greg said...

Switch to Livejournal? The editing facilities are pretty bad, but the communication suite is unbeatable.

Anonymous said...


don't switch to livejournal!

with all due apologies to livejournal users, it treats us anonymouses like dirt. no space for a name, even.

it wants to take over the world, and have everyone open an account, it does...

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Sorry, but I'm with Jo here - I avoided LJ for a reason. A few, actually. One of them being it's the Evil Empire - purely an emotional, irrational thingy. If/when I move (is bound to happen, there are too many things I want to do with this space that Blogger doesn't accommodate) it will be to one of the non-"community" blog platforms. This could, however, take a while.