Tuesday, February 01, 2005

To want or not to want

Further to my post below, another reason not to want a glamorous wardrobe is that I would end up looking like one of those fashion clones I keep seeing. It's quite bizarre; in SA I never saw a group of girls/women out together in matching outfits, unless they were in high school. Not often even then. But pretty shortly after moving to London I spotted this weird clone phenomenon. At the time it was almost subtle - you'd see three girls (early 20-something, most often) all wearing hipster jeans, studded belts, cowboy boots and 1980s-style T-shirts. Which looked a bit daft, but then again it was pretty much a uniform by itself - jeans and T-shirt; you could see how it would happen. Still, if I found myself going out with a pack of friends and we were all wearing almost identical clothes, I would think at least one of us would try to vary the look. Panic, almost. But here, not. It happens so often, I can't quite believe it's accidental. But what's the psychology behind actually choosing matching outfits? Surely you don't do that on purpose? Surely?

Well, apparently you do, because the fashions have changed and now I keep seeing groups all wearing jewel-coloured velvet jackets, over flouncy, asymmetric skirts, adorned with 'vintage-style' costume brooches. Always on the left lapel. It's too perfect, like they're in a chorus line. It can't happen by accident. Surely.

Anyway, so that's the problem: I quite like the look of the moment and if I had the cash, and could find stuff in my size, I'd be happily sporting the vintagey velvet look myself. And that would be embarrassing. I like to think I'd give it a special twist, but who knows... probably everyone thinks that.

More to come. But work to do.

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