Monday, February 14, 2005

The Scroobious Heffalump

stripeadelica 2
Originally uploaded by Scroobious.
Nothing like a photo shoot to bring a girl down. Yesterday we attempted to get some appealing shots of me wearing ye Stripy Jezz that would convince Knitty to publish the pattern. Oh oh oh. The pain.

I mean, it's the spring/summer issue, so bad enough trying to find a setting that doesn't look utterly winter-dead; bad enough trying to look warm and cheerful in freezing temperatures (7 degrees I think; ok, that's not actually freezing, but darlings, the wind). Bad enough trying to catch the few fleeting seconds of sunshine as clouds occasionally opened a little. (Sun comes out - I ditch coat and scarf - I try to pose, with hair not being blown into face, and face not scrunched up against the sudden glare, and by the time we've just about gotten somewhere, sun goes away.) Not the most fun you can have on a Sunday, I assure you.

But then the real pain starts: looking at the results. Oh, lordy. I don't really look that huge. Do I? Really?

As an exercise in humility, I should probably post the funniest of the pics. But I can't bear to. So you get the same one Knitty gets - the least worst. Believe me, some of them were just bizarre. Tits pointing in three different directions (and yes, I still only have two tits). And so on.

Well. Tis done.

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