Monday, February 21, 2005

Yay! Snow!

...about bloody time, too.

I'd been hoping this sudden cold snap would produce some worthwhile results (i.e. snow) and indeedly, so it was. For all of five minutes - but a very, very beautiful five minutes, I promise you. Beloved and I sat with our noses to the window like a pair of five-year-olds, watching big, fluffy flakes whirl around, as if we were in a snowglobe. We have an amazing view for this sort of thing - over the rooftops, but close enough to another building to get clear sight of the snow against a dark backdrop. So we could see very clearly the capricious movements of aircurrents - bunches of flakes dashing this way, then pausing, checking everyone was still together, and readyyy - go! in another direction. Up, down, sideways, back... a magnificent playground of wind and snow. And the clouds were blowing west so fast, pretty soon we were seeing blue sky and golden clouds (reflecting the soon to be setting sun) behind the still falling snow. Magical.

I can't imagine I will ever be sick of snow. The more, the better. So what if it gets slushy and icy and you risk a sprained ankle with every step? It's pure magic. I'll take some of that any day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ooh, have caught up on reading most of 90% of your blog.

which you've had since november??!!?!

given this whole global communications humanity in touch with itself instantaneous communications culture, i'm absolutely horrified i knew nothing about this. :P

but scrivening most excellent!
you've been linked. :)

and random comments may appear in places. this sort of thing happens.