Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Dear Boss

I think I’ve given you pretty good service over the past few years. You might remember saying once that I was “the best hire you ever made”; I hope you haven’t changed your mind. I’d like to remind you that since my arrival on the subs desk, press day has by all accounts become much calmer and smoother; you haven’t yelled at the news editor in ages. Probably that’s because he left, and it’s impossible to yell at his adorable replacement – by the way, could we get her desk moved to a dark corner somewhere? She’s making me jealous – I mean, distracting the male reporters - but never mind.

You know I’m always in punctually, or at least before you. I covered for you when you had to get your hair cut before that hot date the other week. I bring cookies. I haven’t had a sick day in, ooh, months. You pay me for three days a week, but you get as much work out of me as you ever did in five – wait, never mind, forget I said that. Anyway, I have a great rack, thus improving the aesthetic value of our office and improving morale. At least among the men. Since you’re among them, I’m sure you appreciate the importance of that.

So here’s the thing. You won’t mind if I take the rest of the week off, will you? I mean, I’ll still be here, improving morale and all the rest of it. It’s just that I won’t actually be getting any work done. Not since I found the bugs*.

Look, you gave me internet access, what did you expect to happen? Go bug the production editor. He’s on eBay again.


* I found it on Little Red Boat, by the way, but do you mind if we don't talk about blogging on work time? Thanks. 'preciate it.


Bill C said...

I am not on eBay, uhm, today! ... oh. Right. Someone else. Never mind then.

Sarah Cate said...

Ach! Horrible time-sucking game!

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Gersh, you have NO IDEA. The office stories I could tell. Oh yes. And that game? I knew what it was before I even clicked the link. It is, of course, brilliant. In fact it's enshrined in my sidebar. But the bugs, oh, the bugs are seriously addictive. And so cute!

Syar said...

I am somehow very amused that the word 'rack' and 'fracas' are in the same sentence.

my addiction is blogging. it used to be games, until a personal computer and freedom to download whatever the hell I wanted got ripped away. where has my internet been for the past three years, father? stolen from the brightly lit recesses of my college and your office (which is at a university)!! those twats never allow games. (I'm not calling ym father a twat by the way, just institutes of education in general)

Sarah Cate said...

The Cube Bugs are TOO addictive. And, unfortunately, I think I'm quite bad at the game. I've only gotten to level 13. Someone please tell me I'm not the only one who can in no way conceive of how these supposed "highest scores" that get flashed at you before you start playing ever came into existence.

Fence said...

Nice one, a new addiction :)