Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I might need to work on my handwriting

Beloved: "So, this shopping list of yours. Savvy cabbages. Is that a normal vegetable character trait?"


Bill C said...

Hardly. Most of the cabbages I've known could barely spell savvy. Fortunately most modern compilers flag such errors.

Aside to site maintainer: thanks for letting the monkey play. :)

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Egad! The monkey? Where? Where? Lemme at him... I will hone my slug destroying skills on the beast.

Oh dear no. Drunken monkey. DEAR no.

glo said...

Savvy cabbages have 35% more Vitamin K than the ignorant variety.

omar said...

Now that this post is buried a few down, I feel confident enough to ask: what did your list actually say, if not savvy?

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Savoy cabbage. Like regular cabbage but with a fashion edge. Cabbage that cares about its image. I guess it is pretty savvy after all, in a style sense.