Friday, August 19, 2005


It has been raining gently, but steadily, all day. I might whine about how it was gorgeous all week, then when my weekend starts, it's wet. But no. I'm delighted for two reasons.

One, the garden loves it*.

Two, I have a cast-iron excuse not to go running.

Update: it has now, of course, stopped raining.

I got up this morning, put on my running gear and thought, "I'll just wait till the rain stops." By the time I wrote this post (4pm-ish originally), I was resigned to the fact that it wasn't going to stop, and quite sick of sitting around in leggings. So I had a shower and got dressed. And saw that the rain had stopped.

It won't last, right? The second I step outside, it'll rain, right? So I'd better just stay in. Right. That's the thing to do.
* Yeah, gardening again, I know. But you shouldn't be surprised any more by my granny tendencies. I mean, you've seen Omar's portrait of me, right?

1 comment:

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Persistence in... writing about gardening although nobody cares?

It's not so much weedlings, here, as great big underground monsters sending out exploratory tentacles. I can hack off the tentacles, but the beast remains in the bowels of the earth, biding its time... Getting a little tedious.

Also, there weren't nearly enough dead slugs in yesterday's trap. This gardening business is a bit repetitive, no? Like a woman's work, it is never done.