Thursday, August 04, 2005

Inquiring minds want to know

If a mammoth were discovered in Selfridges, which department would it be in?

Food hall? Leather goods? Sporting goods? Gifts? Travel accessories?


omar said...

(I did have to look up Selfridges. My trips to Scroob's are always a learning experience.)

Is the mammoth shopping? On display? It would depend on the context in which I saw it.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Well, that's part of the question, really.

I did think that if it were in John Lewis or Liberty's, it would be in the haberdashery department - "woolly" mammoth, after all. But Selfridges doesn't carry habby. So.

Maybe the mammoth would be shopping for hair removal products. In beauty.

A further question is, how did it get in? Probably it entered as a baby and after it grew, was unable to get out of the un-mammoth-sized doors. In which case, it must definitely have been hanging out in the food hall.

There's an answer for everything, isn't there.

glo said...

Hmmm. Interesting question. I have to ask myself how people missed a growing baby mammoth in the first place. Seems it would have been "discovered" ages ago.

omar said...

Our shopping malls all have one garage-type entrance for when they have big displays inside, he could have gone in through one of those, even if he's not a baby.

My guess is that he heard about how the teenage girls barely wear clothes when they go to the mall these days, so he wanted to check it out.

Nadia said...

Omar - And do what about it? Bury them in his fur as a form of slightly perverse protection from the cold?