Monday, August 22, 2005

Think I'll check in for the weekend

You know how people jokingly describe full-service luxury in terms of "they'll even wipe your bottom for you"*? I think I've found just such a place.

I went to visit a friend in hospital this weekend. No, nothing to worry about, and no, you're not to feel sorry for her, because this was a real 5-star hospital, with a minibar in her private room. Admittedly, it was empty, but you could easily remedy that by calling room service. Room service! And not the kind that brings bedpans. Proper room service, with a two-page wine list and selection of sandwiches.

What really got me, though, was the en-suite bathroom - bidet included - with Molton Brown toiletries!

You know, in my day, they strapped you to a table, hacked out your appendix with a rusty spoon**, stacked you in bunk beds and spooned cold soup down your throat till you were strong enough to stagger out of there.

* Or maybe not. Maybe it's just my family that has such toilet humour. In that case, do us all a favour, erase from memory and skip to the next paragraph, okay?
** Yes, always the appendix! Even if you'd come in with a broken leg! Don't know what they had against appendices!


Sarah Cate said...

Reminds me of a newsstory I saw recently (on 60 Minutes maybe) about good, cheap surgery in luxury hospital setting (Have your Bypass and Your Vacation at the same time!) in India of all places.

glo said...

As we all know by now, I am an infamous dreamer. My only experience with surgery involved a dream where I removed my own appendix because I didn't trust the aliens to sterilize their tools properly....but there was no room service, not even in fantasy. I suddenly want to go to this hospital....

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Cate, "scalpel safaris" are apparently very popular in SA, too. (Or rather, safaris to SA are popular with the rest of the world.) Especially for plastic - sorry, "aesthetic wellbeing" surgery. It's the discretion factor: let those bruises fade far away from your social circle... Plus, of course, you get a great safari holiday.