Friday, August 12, 2005

The trouble with moblogging

Runcible duncible
Scroobious Scrivener
got a new cameraphone,
wanted to blog.

Turns out the process is -
technocompatibly -
not quite as easy as
falling off log.


Oh, the pictures are great. But Blogger is ignoring my messages. I have no idea whether the problem is with my method, my phone, my network or Blogger*. Ah well. At least I have the pics, and once I get the requisite doojigger**, I'll be able to upload them the good olfashioned way.

In the meantime I'm getting enough amusement merely from contemplating my conversion to the Dark Side. From a mobile-phobic, basics-only, contracts-are-deals-with-the-devil kind of girl, to "Ooh! I can record video! ...How long is it till I can upgrade to more megapixels?"

* Update: It's Blogger. Doesn't like UK phones. Double dammit.
** Woulda had it already if the dude in the shop hadn't lied to me. "Oh yeah, a regular USB cable, whatever you have, that'll be fine. Don't worry about a Bluetooth dongle." Sure, dude.


omar said...

Not that I don't understand you, scroob. I enjoy your writing, that's why I read. It's fun and educational. But when you speak of techno-stuff, that I really understand. Like back when you were dreaming of "nubile young lasses" and chicken fillet outfits. These are all things that make sense to me.

Bill C said...

According to Wikipedia the origin of "dongle" is unknown. Anyone here think the word "dongle" wasn't coined by some übernerd guy? Anyone? I thought not.

And thanks for the Onion link. I especially liked the closing quote.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Omar, I'll try to find more opportunities for posting about hot lesbian sex and food. Anything to please the readers.

Jam, I don't care who coined it, dongle is just a great word.