Wednesday, August 10, 2005

"Detain all Siamese twins and round up the usual goldfish"

You know how someone will occasionally try a "fun puzzle" on you, describing how Jack and Jill are dead on the floor in a puddle of water and broken glass, the window's open but not broken, how did they die?

You know how much you want to smack them after a couple of those?

Have fun. The answers get better and better.


Nadia said...

*BIG HUG to scroob for making my day that much better*

It's hard to find stuff to laugh at when your country is slowly but surely imploding on itself.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Oh dear. I hate to ask, but what's happening in Malaysia? I haven't a clue. I do however know that feeling - southern Africa's a great place for screw-ups...

Glad to provide a little cheer, anyway. Cyberhugs always available here.

Bill C said...

The link was good. I easily forget how much more fun things are when they're less serious. Lateral thinking - ooh, big important concept must exalt. Etc.

Nadia, I saw an article about dangerous haze (from land-clearing fires) affecting the Kuala Lumpur "area." Other than that I'm clue-impaired about Malaysian goings-on. What's up?

Nadia said...

It's nothing every other country isn't facing: crime on the rise, political f***-ups, pathetic attempts at educational reforms...

But when you can't breathe (it's so bad all schools and colleges have been shut down indefinitely), and people are being hospitalized (severe asthma attacks and high fevers are the norm), and the government has essentially banned people from going outdoors (a state of emergency has been declared)...well, it all seems a lot worse than usual.