Wednesday, August 03, 2005

How have I offended thee?

To the god of sleep:

Whatever it was, I'm sorry. Truly. I take it back. Don't you think I've suffered enough?

I mean, insomnia, okay. Urgent and ill-timed deadlines, all right. Feline disturbances - well, I did choose to keep cats.

But infecting the one hour of sleep I do manage with terrifyingly vivid* and emotionally intense** zombie dreams - don't you think that's a bit unnecessary?

* How vivid? Well, survival required killing people, or zombies. On a few occasions I managed to get my fingers on a soft and vulnerable piece of flesh - eyeballs, say, or jugular. And tried to rip. And failed. Because the sensation was just too ew. So, pretty vivid. And no, I have not been watching scary movies.
** For much of the movie, Beloved was the scariest of them all. Eina***.
*** Afrikaans for "ouch".


omar said...

That sounds rough. At least I know exactly what is causing my sleep problems.

(I didn't have to look up any words from this post. Yay for me!)

ScroobiousScrivener said...

I must be losing my touch...

glo said...

That's awful. Really. I will appeal to the god on your behalf. Perhaps even sacrifice something, like a pen or a piece of unimportant paper. We'll see.

...and I thought my incessant snogging dreams were unbearable....guess there's always something worse.