Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Well this is depressing

So let's be clear:

No suspiciously bulky coat. No running from cops. No likelihood of an imminent explosion, then. And, oh yes, they were already holding him, so no reason at all to shoot at all, much less eight times in the head.

What the hell were those cops on? Pure panic? Way to set an example, guys.


Bill C said...

Has there been *any* response from authorities along the lines of Sorry, or Shouldn't Have Happened, or even Oops?

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Originally, I believe, there was some shuffling of feet and "oops" noises.

But it's now clear that their biggest response was to LIE. To make up stories that made it look like they were responding with justifiable force to an immediate threat. Well, they weren't. That's what's freaking me out. They killed this guy because he came out of the wrong building - maybe. Except the cop who was supposed to be watching the door was taking a leak. I'm not clear on this, but it seems he might have just come from the house next door, who knows?

My respect for the great British bobby has taken a giant nosedive.

And no, since this morning's revelations, I don't think there has been any response. I think they're just locking themselves up in fright and trying to figure out what the hell they can do about this.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps we should wait until the enquiry finishes rather making assumptions based on what the Daily Mail say?

ScroobiousScrivener said...

*gasp* You accuse me of reading the DAILY MAIL? Brutal. I think I made my sources quite clear (that would be what we call a "link" up there). Sure, let's see what the inquiry finds, but let's also not rely only on the official conclusions about an official screw-up, shall we? As for "making assumptions" - other than trusting three major daily newspapers to have checked their sources, I don't think I've made any assumptions. Lies have been told. I think that's pretty damn clear.

Bill C said...

Seems Reuters accepts the allegations as potentially valid. And what's a DAILY MAIL? Must be a non-Yank thing...

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Daily Mail is a repulsive hate-spreading tabloid newspaper. Ew. I feel slimy just thinking about it.