Sunday, April 03, 2005

10 things

Five good things about being me:
1) Being very lucky in love.
2) Being generally lucky. Not as in winning competitions, but as in things working out for me. Life is, mostly, on my side.
3) Knitting.
4) Being easily pleased by simple things like knitting. And cats*.
5) Good hair. Low maintenance.

Five less good things about being me:
6) I can't seem to find my motivation. And there's no director to discuss it with.
7) In the ongoing battle between chocolate and my body image, chocolate keeps winning.
8) I have no idea where I want to spend my life. Just not here.
9) While easily pleased, I am also terribly easily bored.
10) No cats. (This is subject to change.)

* I know, I know, cats are not simple things. But they don't have to do much to make me happy. A gracious nod in my direction, an occasional purr, will suffice.


glo said...

Cats are fabulous! And easy! A kitten, however, is a lot of work. I couldn't imagine life without cats - they just make all the yucky stuff seem better. Feeling lonely? Lap cat always loves me. Feeling ugly? Cat doesn't care. Feeling unlucky? Probably black cat's fault.

Go and get a cat! Once you have that and the mostly lucky in love thing, you'll have solved 90% of the troubles blogged about on a daily basis.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Good goddess, and then what will I have for inspiration? Clearly a cat's out of the question.

Just kidding. Getting a cat has been hot topic #1 ever since moving to London (and leaving behind two supercool felines - don't worry, they were in good hands, and did that typical cat thing of looking much happier with their new owner than they were with me. I know they just did it to torment me. I hope). But there are space and landlord issues. Once again, a move is on the cards, and once again, we are talking cat flap... watch this space.