Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Better than Franglais

From an email to my German mother-in-law, who is always trying to get me to talk her language:

Ich glaube, dass ich gar nicht Deutsch kann schrieben. Ich habe recently dass mit A geprobieren, und ich finde, dass wird sehr schnell ein unheimliche gemors von Afrikaans und Deutsch und Englisch. Ich bin sehr maklik geconfused. Ich werde no doubt kurz viel Spass nach the good citizens of Hamburg bringen.

London ist jetzt auch geconfused; das Wetter swings madly von kalt nach warm. Heute morgen war es kalt und nass; jetzt ist es sonnig. Wir haben ein paar schoene Tage gehabt aber dann wird es skielik weer disgusting.

Think she'll get the message?


Sarah Cate said...

Seriously, hysterically funny.

Once upon a time I was fluent in der Deutsch sprechen. No more, though. Give me something to read and you will think I was born and raised and never stepped foot out of the Pfalz, but I couldn't carry on an actual conversation to save my life.

Anonymous said...

this, scarily, reminds me a lot of my attempt at the matric afrikaans (standard grade, gods be thanked) paper, if you substitute german for "language known" and afrikaans for "language poorly pretended".


ScroobiousScrivener said...

So you were speaking Polikaans, then?

Cate, any particular reason you sprichst der Deutsch?

Sarah Cate said...

I'm an Army brat - we lived in Germany 2 separate tours of 3 years each. I attended the local German school for kindergarten, first & second grades - thus my former fluency. Emphasis on former. Definitely came in handy when studying the lieder, though!

glo said...

Ay, pues. No se nada de nada de aleman. Que mala suerte.

Found the post hilarious! Faulous! It reminded me of a hilarious sign at my dad's copy machine that started something like, "Dis Machina ist nut barochen" I can't remember the rest, but it was funny, I promise.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Nut barochen! Heeheeheeee!