Sunday, April 17, 2005

Not that I'm getting ahead of myself

...but I just found something perfect for our new home.

We have a new home. Or will do, in a month. We are officially moving to the sticks - Isleworth; near Brentford, west London, nowhere near Essex - and will be luxuriating in more space than we have ever had to ourselves, ever, in any country, including a large garden. Oh, and permission to keep a cat. So that's that sorted. Yay me!

Of course this lovely flat in the sticks has some rather, er, disturbing features. Notably the pink leather sofas. But I'll be turning a blind eye to that - as much as it's possible to be blind to pink leather - since, after all, we'll have tons of space, and a garden. And a cat. I have my priorities well sorted.

Having just spent a particularly lovely afternoon with friends in the burbs (entirely different burbs, different direction, different demographic entirely), much of which involved sipping sauvignon blanc in the sun, I'm about ready to have a garden of our own. With a cat. Did I mention we have a green light on the cat front?

There will be a cat.

Aside: a great oddity of rented accommodation is that we keep finding ourselves needing to simultaneously buy furniture, and find somewhere to store other furniture. Surprisingly, the landlord's/lady's design for their property often does not exactly coincide with our own needs and/or tastes. Not much we can do about the pink sofas - but we have to take the double bed out of the second bedroom, and install a double futon*, so that we can have both a study and a guest room, in one. It had better bloody work.

And we need cupboards. Much storage is required. My finely honed psychic powers tell me there's a trip to Ikea in my future...

* Yes, we yielded. If we can't squeeze a couple of extra square metres out of this cramped little flat for four lousy weeks, well, we'll just have to hand in our tardis badges.

Wish I really had a tardis badge. Like in scouts: a badge indicating proficiency at tardis creation. That would be cool.


virtualkathy said...

Wonderful news re new place - how about some nice big throws (not pink) to cover the leather? And Lewis is one handsome guy, I heartily approve! :)

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Throws are definitely going to happen. I think the landlady has even promised to provide some. In cream. Cream is fine. Anything but pink.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Ha! Tell you what, Gersh, just because you rhyme so delightfully, I will promise to keep all cat pictures (well, except maybe the first one) and most of the cat talk over on my knitting blog. Since knitters tend to be kitty fiends too. And I wouldn't want to bore you.

greg said...

Massive congratulations.