Thursday, April 07, 2005

Wha'? What happened?

Honestly, I go to bed for just two days and when I come out, there's green leaves everywhere, but the temperature's dropped about 10 degrees.

A girl could get confused.

But a girl is still rather under the weather*, and will be putting off proper blogging a while longer. Sorry kids.

* It's a better excuse than "uninspired and too busy checking out the new Knitty", anyway.


Anonymous said...

Poor Scroobious! I hope you have managed to bring the evil rampant tonsils under control. You seem to have the cold weather that we should have, it's still stinking hot here, despite considerable telepathic energy resulting from my desperate need for actual autumn.

Sarah Cate said...

Do hope you're feeling better soon!

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Thank you all; the tonsils are retreating, growling, with bared fangs. But I growl right back (not too loudly; hurts) and I Will Win.

Jenn See, I quite agree on ginger tea, especially when mixed with honey and lemon. Good on so many ways. And do enjoy Knitty - we go waaaay back...