Thursday, April 28, 2005

Sorry Basil

As has been amusingly pointed out, Iraq has been the elephant in the polling booth. As it were.

Finally, with one week to go before the election, someone let the
elephant out of the bag. As it were.

Not that I'm entirely clear how I feel about this. Firstly, whatever the legal grounds or lack thereof, invading was wrong - well, I'm just a soggy pacifist anyway, but bringing the country into a war when there was such strong feeling against it? Not very democratic.

But while the whole war issue is something that I, and many others, care passionately about; while Blair has obviously been less than honest and less than democratic, and voters should be aware of that; while this issue should, ethically speaking, influence voters, and while it's unlikely it will... what would be the consequences if it did?

It's like being back in SA: a choice of evils. Labour? Conservative? Lib Dem? ANC? Democratic Party? Unspeakable Nats? Which is least disgusting? I suppose this is a universal dilemma (and at least I don't have to partake of the horrors of US presidential elections). But wouldn't it be lovely to vote for something you actually believe in.

Now where did I leave that Rainbow Dream Ticket Preferendum...

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