Tuesday, April 12, 2005

In which the Scrivener yields to temptation

10am: Ooh, meeting leftovers. Pastries! Ah well, better stick with a bacon butty*.

10.30am: Lots of pastries still here. Mmm, look good. No, I'm just after a cup of coffee.

11am: Yes, I'm aware that there are pastries in the kitchen. No, thanks, I'm not having.

11.30am: Oh, you brought them out here, right under my nose. How thoughtful. No, thanks. Really, no.

12.30pm: Hands off my apricot Danish!

[cartoon button poings off waistband, flies across room, out the window, along with resolve.]
* The Scroobious Diet Rules: no sugar or booze. Carbs coated in artery-clogging animal fat are totally allowed.

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