Sunday, April 17, 2005


Good idea or not? I don't know yet. I'm hoping yes, a good idea. I want an iPod. I would say I want a free iPod, but since you have to complete an online offer, which costs actual money, it's not quite free - just very cheap. And if you look at it that way, you get a free online service. (It is legit, honestly.)

So here's the thing; I've signed up. What the hell. I need to lose weight anyway, so may as well give eDiets a bash (Beloved will no doubt be delighted to hear I have a Plan). But this means I've committed £30 (£2.99 for minimum 10 weeks), so now I really need to get 5 people to sign up to something too, so I can get my iPod. Um. Pretty please? Any of my UK friends interested in, say, Yahoo! Personals? Probably not. What was I thinking? Dammit. Now that I think about it, I'm struggling to find the subset of my friends who are (a) in the UK, (b) still iPodless, (c) reading this blog and (d) dumb enough to sign up for some unwanted online service. Possibly I am the only such person of my acquaintance. Double dammit.

Hey, maybe if you sign up for one of the betting services (three to choose from? wtf?), you can manage not to part with actual cash. Maybe. I have no idea how that works.

I should really engage brain when surfing, shouldn't I. It's clearly bedtime.


greg said...

The strange thing is, the disclaimer just under the registration fields clearly states

Only one account per person and shipping address. US only.

Are you sure you're eligible?

greg said...

Revision: just checked the T&C's, and they clearly state that

I.1.(b) For, a user must have a valid email address and a valid shipping address in the United States, a U.S. Territory, Canada, England, Scotland, or Wales.

Just so everyone knows.

Anonymous said...

Pyramid Scheme? Good idea. hahahaha.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Yes, thank you anonymous Voice, being snitty with me on my own blog is both big and clever.

Poo to you.