Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Dirrrty in a clean way

I passed in the street a man in a yellow gimp suit, with fetching black trim*. Obviously he was promoting the local gym. It didn't even occur to me to ask why the gimp suit**. But I did have to ask why he was carrying a pink feather duster.

It's to show he's nice, he explained. You can't just have a yellow gimp on the high street. That might distress people. A gimp with a feather duster, though, he's clearly safe; you want your gimp to be good with windows, right?

It's very English, somehow.
* Irrelevant flashback to my first permanent job. Yellow and black were the company colours. The walls were painted bright yellow, the doors were black. I had a lot of headaches there. But the Evil Bosses may have been to blame as much as the decor.
** This is the gym that offers the Shag Workout and Boob Aerobics, after all.

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