Tuesday, April 19, 2005

What kind of crazy information system is this?

White smoke means new pope. Black smoke means no pope has been picked. Grey smoke means someone forgot to clean the chimney.

This can't be good for the ozone layer.


ScroobiousScrivener said...

Well, apparently a young (early 60s) pope is actually considered a bad thing. Those crazy yoof, y'know. But he is the oldest in 275 years, right? So you may be onto something. Maybe they're trying to appease the hardliners by choosing one of their own, while being able to spread the whisper that he's not around for long anyway, so it doesn't much matter.

Except to all those needlessly dying of Aids in Africa, of course.

Bah. Maybe I am as grumpy as Gersh says.

omar said...

Seriously, it probably takes them longer to generate enough smoke to be visible outside than it would to have some guy run outside and say "yes" or "no."

Or better yet, we could just assume they'll tell us when they've decided. Why is it even necessary to say "sorry, we haven't chosen a pope yet"?

In his defense, he just turned 78 recently. He's a "young" 78 :)